The call for the end violence against women with it's16days of activism started since 25th Nov. It has heralded lots of conferences, seminars, walk and different programmes all over the world.  Here in Nigeria we are not left out, I have received three invitations for one programme or the other apart from the one we are partnering together.   Just yesterday, West African Women Association (WAWA) which I also happened to be a member, organized a programme in collaboration with International Federation of Women Lawyers (FIDA) and United Nations Information Centre (UNIC) still on the same issue. The main speaker of the day was Barr. Phil. Nneji, other speakers were Mr. Ronald Kayanja the country diector of Unic, Chief Mrs. Beatrice Ubeku, the WAWA focal person, and so many others I will not mention for space. The special guest of honour, Dr. Violet Arene was visibly angry over the spat of violence and in her conclusion said that we have heard so much about violence, we have even sensitized enough, this time calls for action.  She said unless these cuplrit are prosecuted, it will be the only thing that will deterred them. The high point was a rape case that was reported by one of the WAWA members. It happened two days ago to one of the staff of her school by a supposed parent. The case is so bad that he almost killed the girl. The girl was found naked almost dead with wounds all over her body including her throat. Right now the girl is still in hospital and while the man is presently in police custody.  Now they are making every dubious moves to get the man out of detention but I know that they have failed because we must follow it up to logical end.  Such people do not need to live with human beings, should  rot in jail.