8,193,353 ViewsRadyo Todo Aklan 88.5 FM uploaded a new video.August 20 · Edited · #Inspiration #Spiritual"}" data-reactroot="">LikeCommentShare· · I was in the 5th International conference on women and children held over one week ago at Nigerian Institute of International Affairs VI, on the theme, Global Approaches to Violence against Women and Children: Identifying the Triggers, Remedies and Policy Frameworks, the programme that was to last for 3 days.After the morning session on the 1st day during the tea break, I became tired, too tired to continue, not because I was sick, but tired of listening to well researched papers, tired of hearing what I have always heard, tired of rhetoric s, too tired that I felt like leaving. I was not supposed to go because I would be chairing a session the next day and was also meant to deliver a paper on the the same conference on what I titled, We will speak out, Breaking the silence on sexual violence against children in the homes in Nigeria. I had already submitted my bio and abstract of my paper earlier, although there was some mix up. I needed to stay to hear other presenters since I would chair a session myself.The whole discussion on violence and questions were what am used to. My organizations has organized different workshops at different times on human trafficking, violence, child abuse, drug addiction and so on. I have been exposed to other conferences listening to eloquent speakers making very sound presentations. I felt I was in another 3days marathon of talks on violence. I was still thinking, we know so much in this country, we know all the theories, the legal frame works, the triggers, the causes, the implications, the remedies but why are we not just doing it.Every day we watch with horror the level of abuse going on in homes. Just the other we saw the picture of a wife butchered by her brothers in-law in the social media, the husband was not seen, was not even mentioned in that account. There was yet another account where a husband pulled out a part of his wife's ear. So many wives are dead on account of domestic violence, so many going through harrowing experiences.As the world marks violence against women with 16 days of activism starting from 25th Nov. to 10th Dec, we urge every woman to raise her voice against violence particularly those going through one form of abuse or the other. Please talk to somebody, do not bottle up. Your life is special.