We are in an era of bizarre happenings, a period when a father finds nothing wrong with sleeping with his own daughter, for him it is alright provided she doesn't get pregnant. When a sister takes over her sister's husband and actually struggle for supremacy with the her. You hear of abuse emanating from unlikely persons and unsuspecting areas.With each passing day you hear of one horror or the other, so what should we do as parents, how can we effectively guard our children particularly our girls. We even see evil coming from with in the homes these days.Mothers please lets wake up particularly single mothers, don't just send that girl back to her father to begin to leave alone, before you do that, carry out your checks properly. Our little girls like to run around the house naked, not any more. Mothers lets just put our eyes down observe, monitor and follow up issues. More importantly pray and pray. Let just do our best, we watch, God protects. Good morning people.