Protecting our Children from Violence: A task for All

 All over the world, from all socio-economic backgrounds , all cultures, all religions, across all ages, children suffer all kinds of violence, exploitation and abuse every day. So many of these cases are not reported. Yet children have the rights to be protected from all these.Remember, Children have four baskets of rights: * Survival * Development * Participation * ProtectionAs Child Protection Network Surulere gets ready to launch the inaugural workshop for a sensitization and awareness creation programme with the above title, we invite you all to be part of this event. You need know what to do once abuse case is reported, You need to know the identifying marks of an abused child. There is so much this programme will unveil, remember protecting our children is a task for all of us.By the way, Child Protection Network (CPN) is an initiative of United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF). It is made up of coalition of groups, comprising non-governmental organizations, law enforcement agencies, community leaders, local government officers and other stake holders brought together under Lagos State to ensure that our children are protected.As we celebrate another children's day come May 27, just bear it mind that you can offer protection for that child around you. You can be a saviour for that straying child in your neighbourhood. Let's gear up for this event, we will update you. Watch out ! !